Positive Aging

For millions of years humans evolved in sunlight, stimulating mitochondria to produce ATP (Adenosine Triphosphate).

ATP is the only energy source that fuels all living cells to perform their function and heal themselves.

Every tissue, organ, bone, and muscle in our body is made up of cells that require this energy produced by our mitochondria.

But between the ages of 20 and 40 most people lose half their mitochondrial capacity. Between the ages of 40 and 70 it halves again, creating a significant decline in cellular energy. Insufficient energy leads to reduced immunity, a decline in cognitive function, fatigue, and an increase in illness and disease.

Specific wavelengths of red and near-infrared light are credited with reversing mitochondrial decline and dysfunction and stimulating the production of additional ATP energy, thereby fuelling cells to perform their function optimally and heal themselves.

SOHL illuminates the path to graceful aging, empowering individuals to flourish in mind, body, and spirit.

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    Physical Vitality

    By stimulating cellular activity and optimizing your body's functions, red light therapy improves mobility, muscle strength, and flexibility, helping you maintain an active and independent lifestyle as you age. Additionally, it works to reduce the risk of chronic health conditions, such as heart disease, diabetes, arthritis, and hypertension, safeguarding your long-term vitality.

    By revitalizing your body on a cellular level, it combats fatigue and boosts stamina, allowing you to engage in daily activities with renewed vitality and enthusiasm. Whether you're pursuing your passions, enjoying quality time with loved ones, or embarking on new adventures, red light therapy empowers you to embrace life to the fullest.

    With each session, you'll feel the rejuvenating power of this innovative approach, enabling you to live life on your terms and fully enjoy the remarkable journey of aging.

    Research Study


    Through cellular stimulation, red light therapy prompts the release of endorphins, which have pain-relieving properties. Additionally, this therapy aids in the reduction of inflammation, a primary source of pain. By modulating inflammatory mediators and facilitating the release of anti-inflammatory substances, red light therapy effectively eases pain and discomfort. Furthermore, it enhances blood circulation, which promotes tissue repair and diminishes pain sensitivity.

    Reduce back pain by 39%*

    Back Pain Research*


    By stimulating the production of key immune cells like lymphocytes and macrophages, red light therapy has the potential to strengthen your body's natural defence mechanisms against infections and diseases. These immune cells play vital roles in safeguarding your overall health, and red light therapy can support their activity and proliferation, empowering your immune system to combat pathogens more effectively.

    Research has been completed on light therapy and lung inflammation on past (the spanish flu) and more recent pandemics. It was shown to reduce symptoms of lung inflammation and fibrosis and therefore acute respiratory disorder*

    Immunity Research*

    Radiant Appearance

    Discover the transformative power of red light therapy and reclaim your youthful radiance. Harnessing the rejuvenating properties of specific light wavelengths, our advanced red light therapy devices effectively target skin concerns such as wrinkles, age spots, and sagging skin, by promoting collagen production and enhancing overall skin tone and texture. In the privacy and convenience of your own home unlock the secret to a more youthful and vibrant appearance, and embrace the confidence that comes with looking and feeling your best at any age .

    buy SOHL

    Mental Health

    By stimulating cellular energy production and optimising brain function, it can help regulate mood, reduce feelings of sadness or worry, and promote a more positive outlook on life.

    Through balancing melatonin production and promoting relaxation, it can help people achieve more restful and rejuvenating sleep, leading to improved mental alertness and overall mood.

    Red light therapy has also been found to enhance cognitive function and memory as people age. By promoting neuro plasticity and increasing blood flow to the brain, it may support neural connections and may improve cognitive performance, including memory retention and mental clarity.

    60% experience remission in anxiety and depressive symptoms* based on HAMA-rating.

    Mental Health Research*


    Red light therapy shows potential in helping Alzheimer's disease by delivering specific wavelengths of light to the brain. It promotes cellular energy production, enhancing brain function and potentially mitigating cognitive decline. Additionally, red light therapy may have anti-inflammatory effects, reducing inflammation in the brain associated with Alzheimer's. It also stimulates neuro plasticity, this may foster the formation of new neural connections and potentially improving memory and cognitive abilities.

    The below study demonstrates it's ability to slow the progression of Alzheimer's disease with improvements in executive function, recall, memory, clock drawing and visual attention*. 

    Alzheimer's research *

    Wound Healing

    Through supporting the production of ATP, which provides energy for tissue repair. Red light therapy may accelerate collagen synthesis, which supports the formation of new tissue.

    Red light therapy also may improves blood circulation to the wound site, facilitating nutrient delivery and waste removal.

    Through it's potential to reduce inflammation and modulates inflammatory mediators, it promotes a favorable environment for healing.

    By harnessing these mechanisms, red light therapy enhances wound healing processes, leading to faster recovery and improved outcomes.

    This research demonstrates it's potential to close wounds 20% faster*

    Wound healing research*


    Red light therapy has shown potential in assisting with osteoarthritis. By delivering low-level red light to affected areas, it can stimulate cellular activity, promote collagen production, and reduce inflammation. These effects may help alleviate pain, enhance tissue repair, and improve joint function.

    Subjects reduced osteoarthritis pain by over 50%*

    Osteoarthritis Research

    Cognitive Resilience

    Research suggests that red light therapy holds promise in mitigating cognitive decline, providing a potential avenue for combating conditions like dementia and Alzheimer's disease. By stimulating cellular activity and promoting optimal brain function, SOHL may help preserve cognitive abilities, including memory, concentration, and learning.

    Embrace the power of red light therapy as a proactive measure to support your brain health and protect against age-related cognitive decline. Red light therapy offers a non-invasive and drug-free approach to nurturing your mental faculties. By promoting neuronal function and enhancing cellular communication, it holds the potential to bolster your brain's resilience and keep your mind sharp and agile.

    Embrace this innovative solution and empower yourself to live a life of clarity, mental agility, and lasting cognitive vitality.

    Brain Research*

Frequently Asked Questions

Are there any side effects or precautions I should be aware of when using red light therapy for positive aging?

If you have any specific medical conditions or are taking medications, it's advisable to consult with a healthcare professional before starting red light therapy. Certain medical conditions, such as photosensitivity disorders or active skin infections, may require additional caution or medical guidance.

While rare, some individuals may experience temporary side effects like mild redness or skin sensitivity in the treated area. These effects typically subside quickly after the session.

By following recommended guidelines and seeking professional advice when needed, you can ensure a safe and effective experience with red light therapy for your anti-aging goals.

Are there any age-specific considerations or differences in the effectiveness of red light therapy for older individuals?

Yes, there are some age-specific considerations to keep in mind when it comes to red light therapy for older individuals. While red light therapy can be beneficial for people of all ages, it is important to understand that the skin and body may undergo certain changes with age that can affect the response to therapy.

As we age, the skin tends to become thinner and less elastic, and collagen production naturally declines. However, red light therapy can still be effective in stimulating collagen production, improving skin tone, and reducing the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines. It can also help improve circulation, which is important for overall skin health.

Older individuals may find that they need longer treatment durations or more frequent sessions to achieve desired results compared to younger individuals. It's important to be consistent and patient with red light therapy, as results may take time to manifest.

Additionally, it's crucial to consider any pre-existing health conditions or medications that may interact with red light therapy. It is recommended to consult with a healthcare professional before starting any new therapy, especially for individuals with underlying health concerns.

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