Treatment Protocols

Research indicates that unlocking the full potential of SOHL demands a delicate equilibrium among session duration, frequency, panel distance, and body coverage. To address overall wellness, many individuals opt for expansive SOHL panels like the FULL and COMPLETE, ensuring comprehensive body coverage. However, if you have a smaller panel you can still achieve similar coverage by dividing sessions across different parts of your body.

It is essential to expose bare skin to the light wavelengths.

To ensure appropriate dosing without overdoing it, consider the following guidelines:

  1. Identify the key benefits you want to achieve from your SOHL sessions.
  2. Choose the distance you want to maintain from your SOHL panel.
  3. Apply the light to your bare skin at the specified distance for the recommended duration.
  4. A cautious strategy involves gradually elevating session frequency. Begin with one session per day or every other day, and progressively advance to two daily sessions – one in the morning and another in the evening.

If you are targeting multiple key benefits, it is advisable to choose the longest treatment time recommended for those benefits. These guidelines will help you optimise your SOHL sessions and maximise the potential benefits for your specific goals.


 Low dose benefits
Medium dose benefits
High dose benefits
Collagen production
Oral health
Shingles and skin conditions
Headaches / migraines
Fat loss
Fat Scarring
Muscle recovery
Immune function
Asthma and respiratory concerns
Pain conditions
Brain fog
Scar Reduction
Hair growth
Cognitive performance / focus
Muscle mass / strength
Organ health
Joint health
Bone healing
Depression and Mood
Mitochondrial Dysfunction


Length of Session  

Distance from SOHL 

Low Dose Benefits 

Medium Dose Benefits 

High Dose Benefits 

10cm (4in)

3-4 minutes 

6-7 minutes 

12-14 minutes 

20cm (8in)  

5-6 minutes 

10-11 minutes 

20-22 minutes 

30cm (12in)

7-8 minutes 

14-15 minutes 

28-30 minutes 

1m (39in) 

14-16 minutes 

30-40 minutes 

50-60 minutes 


If you feel fatigued after a session, reduce your next session time by 1-2 minutes and wait until you feel back to your baseline energy levels before resuming the full-length sessions. 

Once you have determined your optimal session time, you can gradually increase the frequency of your sessions until you are completing them consistently up to 14 times per week. However, if you are spending a significant amount of time in the sun with exposed skin, you can reduce the frequency of your red light therapy treatments during that period.

If you are targeting multiple benefits choose the benefit that requires the longest session time. It is important to note that the energised cells from the treatment area can be transported through the blood circulatory system to other parts of your body, providing additional benefits.

Remember to listen to your body and adjust the session frequency and duration accordingly for a safe and effective red light therapy experience.

Moving while positioned within the ideal proximity to your SOHL panel will not compromise the effectiveness. Just make sure the area of your body you wish to treat is bare. 

Habit Stacking

SOHL users have reported doing these activities during their treatment sessions to make the most of valuable time: 

  • Email 
  • Social media 
  • Phone calls 
  • Diary planning
  • Listening to podcasts or music
  • Reading
  • Playing video games 
  • Streaming TV
  • Playing musical instruments  
  • Meditating
  • Breathwork  
  • Yoga 
  • Pilates
  • Stretching 
  • Weights 
  • Eating 
  • Sleeping 
  • Fascia blasting 
  • Skin brushing
  • Personal grooming 

 *1 Example clinical trials from

(low-level laser therapy is an alternative name for red light therapy)